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Friday, December 22, 2006

I just need a break!

Okay this is a woo is me post so beware before reading!

I just have been feeling so down today. I have done a little bit of nothing today and I just put the twins in bed for the night. It is 7 pm here and they usually go to bed between 7-8 so it is normal.

I guess I just really need a break from the kids. My 7 year old has been such a handful lately when I could really use his help. My twins who will be 2 on the 27th, have been acting like 2 year olds for about two weeks. They were the perfect children and then boom, they just became nightmares overnight! Do you all with 2 year olds know what I mean? They get into everything, climb on everything and I just am having trouble keeping up with them being 8 months pregnant. I just do not have the energy like I used to! I love the idea of girls night out, eventhough I have never been to one. I thought to myself tonight if I just had one friend I could call and we could go eat appitizers at a restaurant and just talk, adult talk do you know what I mean? I guess I have never really been a popular person. I have had a couple good friends. One is as old as my mom, we worked together and she was my bestest friend, but since I quit work we really have not kept in contact. I had another good friend but she moved out west. So, really I feel like I have no one to call to go out with right now and it makes me sad. My dh has been working so much and going to school that I thought maybe we would have more time now that he was on a break, but really we have not. Walmart seems to be working him more than ever. Guess that is because of the holiday shopping. I even thought maybe he would get up with the kids some mornings and let me sleep in. He sleeps in, not me I have to get up at 7:30 am every morning with the kids. He gets to sleep in. One morning this week, I heard them in the monitor but did not get up. Finally he could not take it any more and got up and got them but brought them to me. I love him, don't get me wrong! I just want a break too! I need one bad! I need to get out. Wednesday night, I went to pick up some pictures and was gone for like 30 minutes. When I got back, he was putting them in the bed. He was only with them for 30 minutes and said to me man they have really gotten to be a handful haven't they. Well, I get to go through that all day, and I rarely complain about it.

Well, I am getting off track here. If you have a good friend feel blessed. Wish I had one now because I need one! I guess I will try to go see if my ds wants to play UNO and eat some Candy Cane ice cream, even though I do not need to gain anymore weight.

Well, if you got through this thanks for listening to my rambling!


Beth said...

Oh, Lorie! I'm sorry. I have felt the same way sometimes -- like I need a break, more sleep, and a girlfriend to hang out and gab with. I wish we were closer; we'd hit the town together!

Michelle said...

Lorie, I'm sorry you feel so overwhelmed. *hugs* Now that your husband has a break from school I would tell him how you're feeling. It's not right that one of you get to sleep all the time.

Maybe break it up into certain days? I know that sounds kind of tacky, but maybe it will work. My husband let me sleep in a few days ago, so I'm letting him sleep in today kind of thing.

While he's home, I would just say you need a break and get up and go. Within reason of course. lol But seriously, you do need a break. Being a mom is hard work! Again, try talking to your husband about it and how serious it is for you to get some time to yourself.

I hope you can get away soon, if only for a little bit. *hugs* again.

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