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Thursday, September 20, 2007

What am I going to be doing?

Well, dh brought home Neil's new bed tonight. I really do not know how he got it in the Malibu, he says he almost did not. So, now I have to deep clean my room and clean out my closets in there(hey might as well do that while I am cleaning) and get that bed set up. Oh, my I do not even want to think about that job. It is going to be hard, but I think when I get done I will be so happy. I just wish we could do like that Clean Sweep show and take everything out and then put it all back in. That would be nice. I used to do FlyLady and she always said that your bedroom should be your most peaceful place in your home(and in order to be peaceful, it needs to be clean), well I will agree with that because my bedroom sure has not given me much peace lately and it is a mess, no joke. I think it kind of happened when we added an extra occupant (Neil) to the room and all of the baby paraphernalia. So, I guess for the next couple of days that is what I will be doing. About 4 years ago, we bought a new king size bedroom suit and even though my bedroom is big, it takes up a lot of room, so I just do not know how I am going to fit it in there yet? (Anyone know any free places where you can map out your room?) Anyways,I can't wait to get some of that peace back into my I mean "our" bedroom! I will have to get some pictures up of my new peace and Neil's new bed.


Beth said...

Lorie, you just described MY bedroom. Except for the king-sized stuff. And my baby is not named Neil. ;-) But the huge mess -- YES! I have a HUUUUUGE mess in my bedroom, and it is SO bugging me! I am not sure what to do with it all since we're planning on moving the baby in with his brother soon. And DH's stuff is everywhere. *sigh*

Anyway, let us know how it goes. Maybe I will get inspired. ;-)

Kate said...

Good luck to both of you in creating peaceful spaces in your bedroom . . . hmm . . . think that idea will motivate my 7 year old to clean his? *sighs* . . . yeah . . . probaby not . . . lol

Rachel said...

I have too much stuff in my bedroom. Everything in my house seems to get dumped there. I need to get rid of half the furniture in my house to really be able to organize it.

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