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Friday, May 25, 2007

Lorie's To-Do

(Scroll down, I have posted several already today)
It's Friday! I used to look so forward to Fridays, but we have not done anything fun for awhile lately! It is just like any other day to me! But, today, I have to go pick up dh's check. If I do not go pick it up, they mail it to him and we do not get it until Monday. While I am out we are going to go play at the park and go to the library. The library has Curious George the movie on hold for us. (We have had it on reserve for over a month.) So, that is what we will be watching tonight. Tonight is our Family Fun Night, since Nicholas had a game on Monday. I am also going to make a special snack, but I have not figured out what it is going to be yet. I need something fun to look forward too. It helps me get through the week. Do you all do anything fun with your family during the week? What kinds of fun things are you going to do with the kids this summer? Well, I look forward to reading your answers! Have a great Friday! Here's my plan for the day!
What I am doing:

  • Dishes/Kitchen pick-up
  • Laundry
  • Pick-up dh's check
  • Bank
  • Park/ maybe picnic
  • Library
  • Family Fun Night

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast-Bagels, yogurt, juice
  • Lunch- Picinic at the park
  • Dinner-Left over Lazagna and special treat(I do not know what yet!)

What I am watching:

Have a great FRIDAY!

P.S. Sometimes I hate blogger, or blogger hates me. lol This post looks nothing like this when I preview it. All of those things are small? I just do not understand and also, blogger sometimes like in a post below will not let me do anything but double spacing. I just do not understand. Anybody want to help me understand what I am doing wrong? :(


Beth said...

Can't help you out with Blogger; sorry! :-(

We do pretty standard stuff in the summertime here. Playground (DS's absolute FAVORITE -- we go almost every day), library (once a week; usually I pick a day that it's just TOO hot to be outside). We also have a membership to an Arboretum (similar to a botanical garden) which has fun stuff for kids. It's nice to get out of the house, and since we don't have a yard, we always end up *going* somewhere!

Kate said...

Yeah . . . not sure what's up with blogger either?
I hope that Christopher and I will be going to the library at least once a week, and to the park 3 times a week . . . of course that's when we're not away on holiday or having friends come visit us! :)
Have a great weekend! :)

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