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Sunday, May 13, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday

Well, I have been not so smart and did not post a review last week. I did just continue working on my goals though. This week I want to add me time for at least 15 minutes a day. I really need that just to rejuvenate myself! Here are the habits I am working on.
Habit 1: Making bed everday
Habit 2: Toy pickup
Habit 3: Prepare for church on Saturday night
Habit 4: Prepare 15 mins a day for Sunday School Lesson
Habit 5: Family Prayer twice a day
Habit 6: Brushing kids teeth twice a day
Habit 7: Clean kitchen after every meal
Habit 8 : Read to my children every night.
Habit 9: Me-time!
To get involved in Smart Habit Saturday, go over to The Lazy Organizer.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Way to keep up the hard work!

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