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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lorie[s To-Do

(I have posted several post already so scroll down)
Good Morning to everyone! Not much going on today. My twins were into everything yesterday! 2 year olds can be such curious creatures. I felt like I was cleaning up messes every hour. It started with the salt and pepper shakers and ended with my perfume just to give you an idea what all they got into yesterday. Katie Sue has found a new hiding place, under the kitchen table. Whenever she is under there, I know she has done something wrong! She even goes under there when she has pooped in her diaper. So, anyways, they kept me on my toes yesterday. I got through the 4th DVD of the Lost season 1 series. It has been really good! I am going to start DVD 5 today. I have to get through all 7 DVD's before Saturday, when I have to return it to the library. I looked online and found season 2, but it cost like $60 so I am definitely going to have to see if the library will order it. Hope everyone has a great day!
What I am doing:
  • Laundry
  • Dishes/Kitchen Clean-up
  • Living room pick-up
  • Usual stuff for me today
  • T-ball game 6 pm (It is the last one!)

What we are eating

What I am watching:

What I am reading:

Tasty Thursday- Barbecue Edition

Banana Boats (from Country Women)
4 medium unpeeled ripe bananas
4 teaspoons miniature chocolate chips
4 tablespoons miniature marshmallows
Cut banana peel lengthwise about 1/2 in. deep, leaving 1/2 in. at both ends. Open peel wider to form a pocket. Fill each with 1 teaspoon chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon marshmallows. Crimp and shape four pieces of heavy-duty foil (about 12 in. square) around bananas, forming boats. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 5-10 minutes or until marshmallows melt and are golden brown. Yield: 4 servings.
Trista over at The Pumkin Patch is the host of Tasty Thursday, head on over to her blog to see more tasty recipes.
My other Tasty Thursday Recipes

Slow Cooking Thursady- Saucy Apricot Chicken

Saucy Apricot Chicken
6 boneless skinless chicken breat halves (about 1 1/2 pounds)
2 jars (12 ounces each) apricot preserves
1 envelope onion soup mix
Hot Cooked Rice
Place chicken in a slow cooker. combine the preservatives and onion soup mix; spoon over chicken. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or until tender. Serve over rice.
Yield: 6 servings
Slow Cooking Thursday is sponsored by Diary of a SAHM go look there for more recipes.
My other Slow Cooking Thursday Recipes

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Too many GREAT tips!

So, I was wondering how many of you check out Works for me Wednesday sponsored by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer? I have been going there for awhile now and sharing tips. It is such a great place to learn things! All you have to do is post about some tip you have and want to share and I know you all have those. Next week is a themed WFMW, I'm Bored Mom. So, you can go and find out what you are going to do with your kids this summer. I just can not wait to see some of those ideas! Here are just some of the ideas being shared this week that I plan to use. You will have to go over there and see what kind of ideas you will use. I highly recommend it!
Sarah- gave a potty training tip. Use a favorite doll and an empty wipes container and have the doll go to the potty with your child.
Marcia- Says she is a "lazy" cook. When she bakes, she measures out an extra bag of dry ingredients for another recipe. She writes what is is for on the bag and has another recipe waiting to get started when she is ready to cook again! She also has another tip so you will not want to miss it go check it out.
GiBee- had a great idea for using disposable diapers to clean up carpet spills.
Girl Gone Wild- had some great information on tick control. I do not know why but the ticks seem really bad this year!
Amy-had a great idea for using coffee filters for her children as snack bowls. Neat idea and very easy clean-up!
And from last week:
A suburban housewife- talked about using a laundry basket for those trips to the library. You keep them all in one place and no more having to use those cheap bags the library gives you that do not hold up on the number of books that I check out!
Land'O Sunshine- posted about how she made clean-up after taco night easier by putting the cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce in 6 count muffin tins. What a brilliant idea!
So as you can see I got LOTS of great tips that I am going to use many I did not even list here so go check it out for yourself, you will not be sorry. And think about sharing your wonderful tips with everyone!

Lorie's To-Do

(I have posted some things already today so make sure you scroll down)
Happy Wednesday to everyone. I am getting a late start today. I feel sick to my stomach. I felt bad all night. I am starting to feel a little better though. Last night I watched the final episode of House. I just started watching this show because it came on after American Idol and i instantly loved it. I was really disappointed with last night's show! It was suppose to be so good. Personally, I think some of the other episodes from this season were better. And, to have Foreman leaving, Chase getting fired, and the other girl resigning, I just do not know what House is going to do next season. I was in shock at the end of the show. Well, one good thing is that the season will be shown again this summer, maybe I will get to watch some I missed. Anyways, I am addicted to something else. I checked out Season 1 of the series Lost. I watch 1 1/2 of the disk yesterday. It is so good, why did I miss it when it came on television? It is good, but there are 7 DVDs in the series and I have to turn it back in on Saturday so I hope I get finished. one bad thing they do not have Season 2. I am going to ask them for it. You all do not know how much money I have saved on entertainment this spring since I found movies at the library. Well, hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
What I am doing:

  • Laundry

  • Dishes

  • Living room pick-up

  • clean my bath tub

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast: Cheese toast, juice

  • Lunch: Sandwiches, fruit, milk

  • Dinner:Alice Springs Chicken, green beans, baked potatoes

What I am watching:

What I am reading:

Works For Me Wednesday- 90 Calorie packs

I have noticed a lot of people in the blog world are dieting right now, so this might be for you. I am always looking for healthier snacks for me and my kids. I am one of these people who if I bought a big bag of M&M's, I probably would eventually eat the whole bag in a very short time. lol. So, when I found these 90 calorie packs, I knew they were perfect for me! My favorite is the one I have pictured at the top of this post, the buttered popcorn bite sized light crispy multigrain cakes. I just call them mini rice cakes. mmmm! I want you to know these are a "treat" for me. I love them. They are like a reward to me! I will not even let my kids have any. They are mine!! Well, most of the time my two year old twins will get a few out of the bag. This snack also has the Smart Choices Made Easy label on them. So next time you are at the grocery, check out all of the flavors they have in the Quaker 90 calorie mini delights. They just work for me!
For more great WFMW post see Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lorie's To-Do

(I have already posted several things, including my first date experience, so make sure you scroll down)
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We really did not do much, mostly just stayed at home and did things we wanted to do together. But sometimes that is the best thing to do. Neil did a little better this weekend with his crying, but we were both here to take care of him and it really seemed a little easier. Katie Sue fell at the park last night and hit her head pretty bad. She seemed fine, but she cried off and on all night so we moved her in our bed. She kept me up all night. She would cry and then go to sleep and then a little later cry some more, just what I need more crying. She looks fine this morning and I can not find any bumps on her head or anything, so I just think she was having bad dreams or something. Anyways, here is my plan for the day! P.S. You do not want to miss my first date post.
What I am doing:

  • Dishes, kitchen clean-up
  • Pick-up living room
  • Laundry- 3loads
  • Tackle ds room, see post
  • t-ball game at 6 pm (He only has one more!)

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast- Cereal, fruit, juice
  • Lunch- Tomato soup, grilled cheese
  • Dinner-Tacos, Spanish rice

My weekly menu plan

What I am watching:


What I am reading:

  • I finished Anne of the Island- I will write a review soon
  • Here is my new read I am going to start today- Corpse Suzette- G.A. McKevett
  • As most of you know I love series and this is one that I have been wanting to read for a long time. It is the 11th book in the series, but the only one my library has so I guess I am starting with this one even though I usually like to read them in order.

Have a great Tuesday!

Tackle it Tuesday

Today I am tackling a project that I just do not want to do but that has to be done. With summer here, I am going to help my ds organize his bedroom. It is really a wreck in there. I personally just let it go and then when it is really bad I go work on it. Making it so much harder for me! Well, we are going to tackle it today. I will not be sharing any pictures, because really I would be ashamed! I organized before Christmas and we got rid of a LOT of stuff, so I thought it would be easier for him to keep clean, but really he just does not care and I can not figure out a way to get him to do anything around the house (he is 7). Even if it is just to pick up after himself! So, we are going to tackle it and then we are starting this summer that he will have a time that he picks up his room everyday so he will get in the habit! I am also going to have the twins pick-up their room at the same time. Anybody got any get ideas on how to get a 7 year old to learn responsibility and to help around the house and at least pick up his own things? I would love to know! Thanks.
Tackle it Tuesday is sponsored by 5 minutes for mom.

Time Travel Tuesday-First Date Edition

I have been wanting to join this for a long time, so here goes my first time. Time travel Tuesday is sponsored by Annie. So go check out others comments as they travel back in time and tell about an event. The event for this Tuesday is "YOUR FIRST DATE."
So you all are going to think I am crazy but I had never really had any dates until I was 28 years old and my first date was with my dh! I remember being so sad in high school because I never went to ANY dances, not even my prom! I never even went on one date in college. No I am not joking! After college, I moved to where I live now for a job. It is about 3 hours from where my parents and family lives. I was single, young, and alone. I tried many times after working my current job for a year to find another job to go to to move closer to my family so I could be happier. Everyone of them turned out to be a dead end. I would not know until later why I was suppose to stay here. That later came in September of that same year I had been trying to leave this area. I met this guy at church through single activities we had through our church. He was a really shy guy, but I felt something every time I went around him, so one day in the parking lot of the church, (I) asked if if he would like to go out sometime. We exchanged numbers and I thought nothing would come from it. Well, he did call and we went out on my first date to a Chinese restaurant. We talked and ate, but that was about it. We had both driven to the restaurant, so afterwards, we just went on our way. I remember writing in my journal that night that I knew he was the person I was suppose to marry. Ironically enough, we never really had another date that we went anywhere. He would come to my apartment and we would watch movies and stuff like that, but we always had serious talks. So in December, yes you read that right after only "seeing" each other for about 2 months in all, (I) asked him to marry me. Well, I did tell him afterwards that he would have to ask me. We were married in early February of the next year and had our first child at the end of that year. So, as you can see, I never really experienced "dating" very much, but my first one led me to the right person. We have been together for 8 years now and we have since had our first child which I talked about, twins and almost four months ago we had our last child. So, I think my first date turned out pretty good! What do you think?

Ten on Tuesday- Your Greatest Accomplishments

I decided to join in on this little meme. You list your ten answers to a question or statement. Here is the statement for today.
10 Greatest Accomplishments in Your Life
  1. Graduating from High School
  2. Graduating from college
  3. I won several awards in 4-H as a teen
  4. Getting married to the Right person
  5. Giving birth to my first son, even if it was a c-section
  6. Getting through a pregnancy of twins and giving birth, even though still a c-section
  7. Giving birth to my last son
  8. Getting a good job right out of college
  9. Getting the Home Ec metal in High School (given to person with highest grade in classes.
  10. Being a MOM!

So, what are your 10 greatest accomplishments so far? Leave me a comment if you blog about this question or if you do not have a blog or do not want to put this on your blog leave your comments here.

Ten on Tuesday question can be found here.

Next weeks Ten on Tuesday Question is

10 Occupations You Wanted to be When You Were Young , so be thinking of your answers.

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Menu Plan Monday May 28- June 3

Well I am a little late getting this up today. Here is my plan, hopefully I can stick to it a little better than last week!
Monday-Spaghetti, 7 layer salad, garlic toast
Tuesday- Tacos, Spanish rice
Wednesday-Alice Springs Chicken, green beans, baked potatoes
Friday-T-ball cookout
Sunday- Salisbury Steak, green beans, mashed potatoes
For more menu ideas go to Organizing junkie.
Hope you have a great week!

Fun Monday for Kids- Blue's Clues Toothbrushing Charts

A Juggling Mum is sponsoring Fun Monday for Kids. I think this will be great for anybody who has kids. Share things you like to do with your kids that you have found online. We all need some great ideas for this summer. Also, Liz at Monkey Kisses sponsors Family Fun Friday. Go there on Fridays to share things to do as a family. I know I have talked to some of you about Fun Family Fridays.
Here is my tip for Monday. I have had a hard time getting my kids to brush their teeth. Mostly because I forgot. So, I use this Blue's Clues Chart I found online. You can also print stickers there too to use with the charts. I just used some Dollar Store stickers and they worked great too. Also, there are some toothbrushing certificates if they do well during the week, my kids loved those! they have made brushing teeth FUN for my kids.
For more great ideas visit A Juggling Mum.

Lorie's To-Do

Hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day! I am having fun with my family today. No cookout, but we will still have some good food and a good time. Maybe watch some movies and play some board games. I am even taking the kids and daddy to the park today! So, I got lots of fun planned! What is everyone else doing today?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lorie's To-Do

I really miss it when I do not have my Lorie's To-Do on the weekend. During the week, I get up early and it is one of the first things I do. On the weekends we "try" to sleep in a little longer and I usually make a good hot breakfast, usually pancakes on Saturday mornings. So, I guess you can say, I am trying to spend more time with my family. Not really a bad thing, yk. I have had a really good day. Nicholas is not feeling good, he has a really bad chest cold, so we did not go to church today. It has been a very lazy day and I needed it. Dh helped me a whole lot with the baby and got to see first hand how he cries most of the day. We have changed formula, and even had some test done and we can find nothing wrong with him. Well, he does have acid reflux. So, I do not know what is wrong with my baby and it makes me sad and crazy. Dh laid down with him and he cried for 30 minutes and then went to sleep, so I am taking advantage of his sleeping time. We had a really good dinner tonight. I was suppose to make them last night, but we had frozen pizzas instead. So, far it has been a nice relaxing holiday weekend. We are still going to watch some movies this weekend and I have 5 more chapters in the book I am reading so I plan to finish that! Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Adventures in Potty Training Update

Well, we are still just "talking" about using the potty. We have also been reading a lot of books. They are definitely interested, but I thought still not ready. They want to "play" on the potty but not use it. Then, today I took off there clothes for them to take a bath and Nathan said he wanted to pee pee so I helped him on the toilet and he peed in it. Hooray! Well, I have one of those kid seats that fits on the regular toilet. A lot of people said this was what they used so instead of buying two potties, I thought this would be good. I noticed though that Nathan had a really hard time because the seat does not have a guard to help keep his pee in the potty. Do you know what I mean? So, I am rethinking the idea of buying their own potty. Again, we are still just talking about it but I was surprised that Nathan went today! It was so cute tonight, Daddy and Nathan read the Potty for boys book and Katie Sue and mommy read the Potty for girls book. I think we might also watch Bear in the Big Blue House Potty video this coming week. Well, that's my adventure in potty training for today.

Lorie's To-Do

I got up at 6 am today because I had several things I wanted to do before I had to leave today. I do not have much time today, I have to be at a Sunday School meeting for teachers at 12 noon! I have so much to do today. I really do not want to go, but I know I need to. Maybe, I might even learn something! lol! We watched Curious George last night and the kids liked it and it was cute. The twins are just now starting to watch things and laugh about them. Nathan has learned to change the tv channel and he found a channel he likes. PBs called KET here. He loves Curious George, Clifford the Big Red Dog and Elmo's World. I always just left on Nick and they liked Dora and stuff but I really think they like PBS shows better. Do your kids have any favorite shows. I want to know. Can you tell that I am reading Anne of Green Gables Series? Davy always says I want to know Anne. LOL! Anyways like I said I gotta go. I feel like I am the only one that is suppose to get the kids ready sometimes, or knows what to put on them anyways. Hope you all have a great day!
What I am doing:
  • Laundry
  • Dishes/kitchen cleanup
  • SS Meeting
  • Walmart run

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast- Dh fixed Biscuits and gravy oh so good! We do not eat that much and he is the only one who can cook it.
  • Lunch-Probably something quick on the road
  • Dinner- Mini Cheddar Meatloaves, green beans potatoes

What I am watching:

  • Do not really have any plans got other things I really want to do like read, and study my SS lesson.

What I am reading:

I do not know if I will post a daily to-do tommorrow or not so have a great holiday weekend!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Me, A Handbook?

Wow! I just came off of Beth's blog and she did the Homemaking Meme that I had on here a couple of days ago. She said that I was her best homemaking handbook with all of the recipes and stuff that I post on here. Just when I think nobody is reading, I get a compliment like that. I am seriously crying! When I was pregnant with the twins, I had to leave a job that I loved!!!! I miss it everyday! Blogging has been my way that I have been able to do some of those things that I did in my old job. I miss my job, but I have used so much that I learned from that job that I use as a SAHM! So, thanks to all of for reading all my recipes even if I do make you hungry! You are letting me do what I really want to do and still be a SAHM! I really would like to start one of those carnival thingies, but I am afraid that nobody would come and share and I really do not know anything about Mr. Linky! Well, anyways, just some thoughts I was having this afternoon and wanted to write them down. Thanks Beth and everyone who reads this blog!

Lorie's To-Do

(Scroll down, I have posted several already today)
It's Friday! I used to look so forward to Fridays, but we have not done anything fun for awhile lately! It is just like any other day to me! But, today, I have to go pick up dh's check. If I do not go pick it up, they mail it to him and we do not get it until Monday. While I am out we are going to go play at the park and go to the library. The library has Curious George the movie on hold for us. (We have had it on reserve for over a month.) So, that is what we will be watching tonight. Tonight is our Family Fun Night, since Nicholas had a game on Monday. I am also going to make a special snack, but I have not figured out what it is going to be yet. I need something fun to look forward too. It helps me get through the week. Do you all do anything fun with your family during the week? What kinds of fun things are you going to do with the kids this summer? Well, I look forward to reading your answers! Have a great Friday! Here's my plan for the day!
What I am doing:

  • Dishes/Kitchen pick-up
  • Laundry
  • Pick-up dh's check
  • Bank
  • Park/ maybe picnic
  • Library
  • Family Fun Night

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast-Bagels, yogurt, juice
  • Lunch- Picinic at the park
  • Dinner-Left over Lazagna and special treat(I do not know what yet!)

What I am watching:

Have a great FRIDAY!

P.S. Sometimes I hate blogger, or blogger hates me. lol This post looks nothing like this when I preview it. All of those things are small? I just do not understand and also, blogger sometimes like in a post below will not let me do anything but double spacing. I just do not understand. Anybody want to help me understand what I am doing wrong? :(

Family Fridays-Fun Cooking Activity Recipes

I have never really said this here but my family has a Family Fun Night once a week. We usually do this on Mondays. We have a brief gospel lesson and then do something fun as a family. I think it brings our family closer together. We also have a special snack. Sometimes this is the fun activity we do together. We have made cookies, dirt, and lots of other things. I used this fun recipe when my 7 year old was learning to count and I think I am going to use it again since I working on counting with the twins!

Count Kebobs

Apples (sliced)

Large Marshmallows

Pineapple chunks

Oranges (peeled and pulled apart in sections)

Wooden Skewers

1. Count 1 apple

2. Count 2 marshmallows

3. Count 3 pineapple chuncks

4. Count 4 orange sections

5. Push on skewer

6. Count the number of pieces in all

7. Eat and Enjoy!

Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!

Since I mentioned it I will give you the dirt recipe too.


Dirt Pudding

1 pkg. Oreo cookies

4 T. stick margarine

1 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 - 12-oz. Cool Whip

2 small pkg. instant vanilla pudding

3-1/2 c. milk
Directions:Melt margarine & mix with Oreos. Save 1 cup for topping. Press remaining mixture into pan for crust. Cream cheese & gradually add milk. Add pudding & blend well. Blend in Cool Whip by hand. Pour into crust, sprinkle reserved Oreos on top & refrigerate. You can line small flower pots with foil and put enough for one serving in them and in topping with a gummy worm. You can make this seasonal, i.e. for Halloween put spooky things on top. It's a fun dessert!

For more Family Fridays ideas go to Monkey Kisses.~

My other Family Friday Post

Fudge in a Bag

Bread in a Bag

Paper/Plastic Cup Bubble Machine

Tin Can Ice Cream

Freezer Food Friday-Raisin Drop Biscuits

Makes 48 biscuits

4 cups sifted flour
1/2 cup sugar
6 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons salt
2/3 cup vegetable shortening
2 cups raisins
1 teaspoon grated orange peel
2 eggs, beaten
1-1/2 cups milk
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Butter or margarine, melted
Preheat oven to 400°F. Combine first 4 ingredients. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add raisins and orange peel; mix lightly.Combine eggs and milk. Add to flour mixture, stirring to blend. Fill greased 2-inch muffin pans 2/3 full.Bake at 400°F for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from pans; cool.
Wrap and freeze in packages of 12.
To heat 12 biscuits: Place frozen biscuits in shallow baking pan. Sprinkle lightly with water. Cover with foil. Bake at 375°F for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, combine the 3 tablespoons sugar and spices. Dip tops of warm biscuits in melted butter, then in sugar-spice mixture.
For more Friday Freezer Recipes go to A Mums Food Blog.
My other Friday Food Freezer Recipes

Favorite Ingredients Friday-Famous 7 Layer Dip

Mexican 7 Layer Dip
Bottom Layer
Chili Bean Dip
2 garlic cloves
1 small onion
2 fresh green chiles
2 Tbs vegetable oil
1-2 tsps hot chili powder
14-oz can kidney beans
3 ounces Cheddar cheese, grated
Salt and pepper
Finely chop the garlic and onion. Seed and finely chop the green chiles. Heat oil in a frying pan and add garlic, onion, green chiles and chili powder. Cook gently about 5 minutes, stirring regularly, until the onion is softened. Drain the can of kidney beans, reserving the liquid. Mash all but 2 Tbsps of the beans to a paste. (Recipe calls for blender/food processor but you can use a potato masher for better texture.) Add the mashed beans to the fying pan with 3 Tbs of the reserved liquid. Heat gently, stirring to mix well. Stir in the whole kidney beans and the cheese. Cook gently for about 2-3 minutes, stirring until all the cheese melts. Add salt and plenty of pepper, to taste.
Second Layer
Use any Spanish Rice Mix, cooked per package direstions.
Third Layer
The next layer is guacamole. Take three pretty ripe avocados and mash them with a potato masher along with 2 Tbs lemon juice and 1/2 tsp black pepper. This leaves it pretty chunky which works well in a dip setting. It works best to evenly space a bunch of dollops, then spread. You can use your own guacamole recipe too.
Fourth Layer
For the next layer, take 1 1/4 cups of sour cream and mix in 1 packet of *hot* taco seasoning. Then go with the dollop and spread method again.
Fifth Layer
Seed and dice 1 to 2 tomatos and sprinkle.
Six Layer
Then, 1 small can of Mario brand sliced olives with jalapenos, drained. Sprinkle.
7th Layer
Last up is grated cheddar cheese, add enough to cover top.
Serve with tortilla chips.
Note: This recipe may take a little while to make, but it is oh so good! I found this on the web somewhere, don't remember where, but when I go to parties and am asked to bring something this is what I bring and there are NO leftovers to bring home!
Happy Memorial Day!
For more great recipes, go to Overwhelmed With Joy.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

ARRGGG!!!!!! Potty Training Adventures

(Check below for my daily post and some recipes)
Well, I changed the twins this morning and thought hey let's put them on the potty. I thought let's give them an introduction to the potty. So I took them in there and they played around for about 15 minutes but nothing, so I put the diapers back on them and put them in their room with the gate up. I was going to take a shower, but I wanted to put the breakfast dishes in first. I had the monitor and I hear "sissy "poppied"", "sissy "poppied"". Argh, I go in there and both of them had taken off their diapers and pooped on the floor, all over tickle me Elmo, and on another toy. Grosss!!!! I threw poor Tickle Me Elmo away. The rest of the stuff were easy to clean. One more reason I think they are ready for potty training! I got to go get some pull-ups and some underwear/patties because I really think they are ready!!! :( :)

Lorie's To-Do

Good Thursday Morning. I already have two post written and they are yummy recipes so scroll down to see them. Today I put my 7 yr old ds on the bus for the last time until August. He is a first grader and daddy has been taking him out to the bus because he has to go to the other side of the road and today he begged to go out by himself. I let him because daddy did not get up today. I watched him out the kitchen window and he did really good. As, I looked at him, I thought about how much I really love him even though he is so hard sometimes! He is really growing up! I wish so hard that we could have had children closer together, we tried to have more, but I was not able to get pregnant again until Nicholas was 5. He does not have a lot of friends and he tries to play with the twins like they are 7. Anyways, I watched American Idol. I thought it was really good! Jordin looked like a beauty queen at the end. I liked some others on the show this season, but I really thought Jordin had a chance after the Diana Ross show where she sang that song from The Land Before Time, If we hold on. I loved that song and really thought at that point that I wanted her to win! I thought the Idol emmys were lots funnier this year and not as degrading as last year. I am going to miss that show. Does anyone watch that So you think you can Dance show that comes on tonight that is suppose to be like American Idol, only about dancing? I think I might watch that tonight. I know, another thing to get myself hooked on. lol! Well, I hear the twins up so I better rap this post up. Hope you all have a great day!
What I am doing:
  • Laundry
  • Dishes/kitchen pick-up
  • Pick-up living room
  • T-ball game 6 pm

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast-Cereal, fruit, juice
  • Lunch- sandwiches, chips, milk
  • Dinner- Lasagna(I had to change my menu because I got some cottage cheese that needs to be used)

What I am watching:

  • Season Three of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE premieres with two audition episodes: a 90-minute show on Thursday, May 24 8/7c and a special two-hour episode airing Wednesday, May 30 8/7c. (I am going to give this a try?)
  • On the Lot Fox 9/8c, AUDITIONS ROUND 2
    14 Contestants eliminated, 36 remain. Their task, make a film in 24-hrs. Will they make the cut?(I am going to give this a try too?)

Tasty Thursday- Chinese Chicken Salad

Chinese Chicken Salad
Salad Ingredients
3 Chicken Breast, cooked
1 head lettuce
3 or 4 green onions, cut in pieces
1 pkg. almonds or cashews
1/4 cup sessame seeds, toasted
1/2 package Rice Stix, fried in oil for 2 seconds
Dressing Ingredients
2 Tbsp. sugar
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
4 Tbsp. vinegar
1/2 cup salad oil
Combine all of the salad ingredients but the Rice Stix. Mix the dressing and pour on salad. Add the rice stix right before serving.
Trista over at The Pumkin Patch is the host of Tasty Thursday, head on over to her blog to see more tasty recipes.
My other Tasty Thursday Recipes

Slow Cooking Thursday- Reuben Spread

Reuben Spread
1 jar (16 ounces) saurkraut, rinsed and drained
1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded swiss cheese
1 package 93 ounces) deli corned beef, choped
3 tablespoons Thousand Island salad dressing
Snack rye bread or crackers
In a 1 1/2-qt. slow cooker, combine the first five ingredients. Cover and cook for 2 hours or until cheese are melted: stir to blend. Serve warm with bread or crackers. To keep warm while serving, just leave in the slow cooker on low.
Slow Cooking Thursday is sponsored by Diary of a SAHM go look there for more recipes.~My other Slow Cooking Thursday Recipes

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

ABC's of Homemaking Meme

ABC's of Homemaking~
Rules: Answer the following questions related to homemaking and then tag 3 people. Don't forget to link to the person who tagged you and let the people you tag know they have been tagged.
Aprons – Y/N? If Y, what does your favorite look like?
Yes, I have several, but really like the one I used as a Pampered Chef Consultant best!
Baking – Favorite thing to bake
Cookies! Yummy!
Clothesline – Y/N?
No, actually there is the stands to one in my yard just needs the line.
Donuts – Have you ever made them?
Yes, I worked at Winn Dixie when I was in college and made the donuts every Saturday. I have made them at home too, but it has been a long time!
Every day – One homemaking thing you do every day,
Freezer – Do you have a separate deep freeze?
Yes, I just got one, a used one about 6 months ago and I LOVE it!
Garbage Disposal – Y/N?
No, we have a septic tank :(
Handbook – What is your favorite homemaking resource?
Ironing – Love it or hate it?
I hate it. I got third degree burns when I was a teenager and have never liked touching the thing since, but I do occasionally.
Junk drawer – Y/N? Where is it?
I do not have one.
Kitchen – Color and decorating schemeroosters
Apples red and green
Love – What is your favorite part of homemaking?
Making a happy home and family!
Mop – Y/N?
I mop everyday!
Nylons – Wash by hand or in the washing machine?
I try not to have to wear them! But I would wash in washing machine.
Oven – Do you use the window or open the oven to check?
I open the door!
Pizza – What do you put on yours?
cheese, pepperoni, sausage
Quiet – What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
Read, blog
Recipe card box – Y/N? What does it look like?
Yes, I have a book that I got from Avon that I keep all my tried and true recipes in.
Style of house – What style is your house?
We rent an old house and I have no clue! My dh took Architecture this semester and says it is cape colonial?
Tablecloths and napkins – Y/N?
No, sometimes we use paper.
Under the kitchen sink – Organized or toxic wasteland?
Organized, I do not keep much under there because I have had so many leaks and ruined stuff.
Vacuum – How many times per week?
almost everyday!
Wash - How many loads of laundry do you do per week?
family of 6? I do at least 3 loads a day :(
X’s – Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?
Yes, it gets me through the day.
Yard – Y/N? Who does what?
We have a yard and dh keeps care of it.
Zzz’s – What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
hmm....I guess loading or unloading the dishwasher.

Now I tag 3 people:

Lorie's To-Do

Hi! All! I have already posted several things today so make sure you scroll down to see them all! I also have posted my new blogs that I have enjoyed reading this month in this post. I also posted in the What Works for Me Wednesday about the library and what I am going to do with my kids this summer and even a book my twins have enjoyed reading about potty training in this post. Today should be an easy day and I am so waiting for the final show of American Idol tonight! Chris from last season was on last night. I did not know he was going to be on there. He really should have won last year, but he seems to be doing fine on his own, yk? He was good last night but had way too much eye make-up on him. Don't tell my dh this, but he is handsome enough without all that make-up! I just can not wait for tonight! Here is my plan for the day!
What I am doing:
  • Laundry

  • Dishes/ kitchen clean-up

  • Living room pick-up

What we are eating:
  • Breakfast- Scrambled Eggs, biscuits, juice

  • Lunch ? I really do not know what yet?? I better start deciding!( Just decided leftovers from last night and some fruit)

  • Dinner-Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread

What I am watching:
  • American Idol

What I am reading:
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Works For Me Wednesday- The Library

So, my 7 yr old sons last day of school is Thursday. What in the world am I going to do with 4 kids all day long to keep them happy and entertained? Well, I have a lot of things planned, but one thing I am for sure going to do is utilize the library. They have a summer reading program and the kids check out books and read them and turn in there numbers at the end of the summer the kids reading the average number of books read get a really cute t-shirt. They also have programs almost everyday and if you attend them, at the end of the program they draw for a $25 Walmart gift card. With 4 kids, my odds are pretty high that we will win one. LOL. Last year all of my kids got one and I got one extra kid this year. Anyways, they have storytime on Mondays, 4-H fun on Tuesdays which is usually a food activity, Wednesdays are Movie days and they have two age groups so movies are age appropriate, and Thursdays is painting days. If you go to all of one activity say 4-H days, you get a prize too. At the end of the summer you get not only the t-shirt but lots of free coupons from the restaurants in the area. So, as you can see there is plenty to do all summer at the library to keep your little ones busy. Check out your library to see what they have planned for the summer. The library and summer activities works for me!
Also, I wanted to share a book we checked out from the library that my twins love! My twins are 2 and we are trying to get them ready for potty training and they loved this book. See the book at the top of this post.
For more great WFMW see Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer.

Mommyknows new giveaway for today

Mommyknows is having a May Madness and giving away prizes all month. Most of the time all you have to do is leave a comment and answer a silly question. I was sad because I did not win the baby shoes and I really wanted them. :( But she has more prizes. :) Today she is giving away a Bummis SWIMMI / Cloth Diaper Cover. If you use cloth diapers you can use this cover over them, if not this is a swim diaper as well. It is recommended that you don’t use it for both purposes. I think once it has been exposed to the chemicals in the pool it doesn’t does function very well as a diaper cover. So, are you planning to take your baby swimming this summer? Then one of these would be perfect so head over to mommyknows and leave a comment on her post, she also wants you to tell a friend this time. so, I am telling you all. Also, if you go visit and try for this prize, please leave me a comment. Don't forget to check back everyday this month as mommyknows has a new prize everyday!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May Blog Spotlights

It's time for me to spotlight some blogs that I have enjoyed this past month! I thought my list would be shorter, but I still found ten new places that I really enjoyed visiting this month and would love to share them with you! Hope you enjoy!
1. Overwhelmed with Joy- I love her Favorite Ingredient Fridays Edition. I have gotten some great recipes from being a part of the FIF. Her blog does focus on her adoption and the paperwork that goes along with it.
2. Diary of a SAHM- I first found this blog from Monday Menu Planning, actually that is where I find a lot of my new blogs, and Sandra host Slow Cooking Thursday. I love reading her daily happenings and she always has WONDERFUL recipes! I even won a book on her blog!
3. Home Ec 101- Ms. Ivy writes this blog and it has a very Home Ecy feel to it, maybe 1950's? She answers lots of Home Ec type questions and shares recipes and how to do things. One of my favorite post was when she taught how to fold fitted sheets. Most of you know that I have a home ec education degree so this site appeals to me.
Edited: Ms. Ivy tells me that Heather does a lot of stuff including lots of cooking stuff. How did I overlook her! I love the cooking stuff on this blog. Sorry Heather! She has a recipe up right now with great pictures etc.
4. Monkey Kisses- I became familiar with this blog because of Tasty Thursday at The Pumkin Patch, Liz is the host of Family Fridays where we share fun things to do with our families.
5. Life is Just Ducky-Michelle always has really neat pictures on her blog. Just today she put some cartoons about the high gas prices. I also always enjoy reading about her kids!
6. Crazy Hip Blog Mamas- I have thought about joining this group. I love to read this blog. They have something going on everyday including recipe rally, etc. Go check out all of the neat stuff they do.
7. Marcia's Organizing Tips- I love all of her organising tips that she shares. I found this blog from Monday Menu Plan. Great tips for even the beginning organizer!
8. Happy to be called "Mommy"- I have learned so much about once a month cooking on this blog. She gives the recipes she uses and shows prep pictures! Love this one too!
9. mommyknows- I learned about this blog from Overwhelmed with Joy. mommyknows is giving away great gifts all May. Don't miss the last couple of days of her May Madness!
10. My Life as Annie- Annie started this blog to record her journey from dealing with her daughters near drowning experience. She also sponsors Time Travel Tuesday, which I have not participated in yet but want to soon! I learned about Annie from Monday Menu Plan.
That's it for this month! Come back next month to learn about some more blogs that interest me!

Lorie's To-Do

Happy Tuesday! I am trying to decide whether it is worth it to go vote today. We are voting for govenor in this primary, but I am not excited about any of the canidates. Also, I registered as a republican only because if you do not, you do not get to decide any office in this county since this county is so republican. We really do not have any big races in the county this time either. I have also heard that it is suppose to be a very light turnout this election day. There just is not enough going on to interest people to get out and vote. I know that voting is a right that we have and women fought for the right for me to vote, so I probably should go. Anyways, enough about that. Nicholas had a make-up t-ball game and dh took him and the other kids and I stayed home and we took baths, got ready for bed and read books that we got from the library. My twins are reading lots of potty training books because I am getting ready to start working with them. I hope potty training two at once will be easier and the fact that it is summer, but it still scares me. We are buying three packs of diapers every two weeks and that would just be a HUGE saving for us if we could get them potty trained. But, anyways, we read a counting book last night called One Naked Baby. It was so cute! The book starts out with the baby taking a bath and being naked and then he goes outside and gets dirty and gets into things counting up to 10 and they start counting down from ten of things until they reach back to one naked baby. It was such a cute book with lots of really neat pictures that kept my kids interest. We checked out a lot of books and I am having fun making my habit of reaing to my kids again, I stopped for a while. We are going to be reading all summer and go to the library for the summer reading program. I love to read and I hope I can help my kids learn to love to read. Yesterday, Nicholas brought his report card home that said he was promoted to 2nd grade. They are off school today because schools are places people vote at in our county. They only have to go until Thursday. They missed a lot of school this winter, but they went to school for almost two whole months an extra hour a day so they could still get out early. So, starting this week I have 4 kids all day by myself. :( Anyways, enough about me for today. Hope you all have a great Tuesday! Oh, I forgot one last thing. I can not wait for American Idol tonight. I will be sad to see it end though! I have really enjoyed it this season. I think I am voting for Jordin unless something big happens tonight. Have a great day!
What I am doing:
  • Laundry-3 loads(bedding)
  • Dishes/kitchen pickup
  • Living room pick-up
  • T-ball game 6 pm

What we are eating:

What I am watching:

  • American Idol-This year’s finale is anyone’s to win. Watch tonight at 8/7c as Blake and Jordin make American Idol history. Can’t wait?

What I am reading:

Monday, May 21, 2007

Lorie's To-Do

Good Monday to everyone! We had a really good, but busy weekend. We had dh home all weekend to do stuff with! We took the kids for a picnic and to play at the park. We had a good time, but Nathan ran in the road and when I tried to get him he fell and got pretty banged up! He is okay just lots of scaps and scratches. The adult Sunday School teacher did not come to church and so I had to teach the adult class. They are so much easier to teach and I really learn a lot from them. My youth class will hardly talk at all! I had a hard time getting the adults to be quite long enough to teach! I learned so much from the parables of the silver, prodical son, and the ten lepers. Great Lesson! The RS lesson was just as good on forgiveness. Well, here is my plan for the day.
What I am doing:
  • laundry(need to get caught up from weekend)Idid none! :(
  • dishes/kitchen pick-up
  • mop kitchen floor
  • pick-up living room

What we are eating:

  • Breakfast-cereal, fruit, juice
  • Lunch-Hamburger Helper Singles, fruit, milk
  • Dinner-Pasta Alfredo with Shrimp, garilc bread

What I am watching:

  • Deal or No Deal-NBC 8/7c

What I am reading:

Recipe Review

Here are the new recipes I tried this week and my review.You can find my rating system in this post.
Potato Soup- This was really good and very easy and quick to make.
Rating- 4 stitches
Easy Stroganoff-This is okay. It has a good flavor, but the mushrooms I bought were sliced too big, I think!
Rating- 4 stitches

Menu Plan Monday-May-21-27

Happy Monday to you all! Here is a review of the recipes I tried last week post and here is my weekly menu plan:
Monday- Pasta Alfredo with Shrimp, garilc bread
Wednesday- Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread
Thursday- Tacos
Friday-Sweet and Sour Chicken, Fried Rice, Peas
Sunday- Freezer Spaghetti Casserole(From Freezer)
For more menu ideas go to Organizing junkie.
Hope you have a great week!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mommyknows prizes all month!

I was reading Overwhelmed with Joy last night and she said that she had won some cute little kid shoes from mommyknows. She also said that mommyknows was giving away stuff all month. I registered for the prize to be given away today and tomorrow. It is a $25 gift card for the babymarket place. If you win, you also get to give one to a friend. All you have to do is leave a comment on what you would buy with your card and what friend you would give it to and why. I just went this morning and she also has a new prize up, Cabana Green BabyLegs. All you have to do for this one is leave a comment and tell her where you are planning on vacationing this summer or where your favorite vacation spot would be. She is giving away prizes everyday this month. So head over to mommyknows and check it out. Hey, she did not say we had to link, so you know I could have not just told you and made my chances better, but I knew all the mommies who read my blog would not want to miss out!lol!
***Edited to say she closed the gift card contest but the Cabana Green Baby legs are still up. Good Luck!

Friday, May 18, 2007

I feel so BAD!

Today when Neil woke up, he had cut his face really bad. The child's nails grow so well. He scratched his face his first day of life. I have to cut his nails like every two days. So, after he got up and I noticed the bad scratch, I changed him and started cutting his nails. He started crying really bad! I looked down and his finger was bleeding. I cut his finger :( He was moving around so much I must have nipped him. I am going to have to make dh cut them from now on. I feel so bad! Like a bad mommy!

Where do you eat out meme?

I saw this on Diary of a SAHM blog. Thought I would give it a try. Here are the rules.
These are the rules:
1. Link to the name of the person who tagged you.
2. Include the state and country you’re in.
3. List your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location (locally).
4. Tag 5 other people (preferably from other countries/states) and let them know they’ve been tagged.

I live in Hyden, KY. It is very rural and we go to the next county to eat out most of the time. We really have not been out in a long time though!
1. Applebees- I love a lot of stuff at this restaurant but my favorite are the steaks and I love the way they make their garlic mashed potatoes. We also love the cookie shake mmmm.
2. Reno's Roadhouse- Love there steaks and peanuts!lol When I was pregnant with the twins I craved this place and what I really wanted was the
3. El Azul Grande- This restaurant has the BEST Mexican food I have ever had! I love it! They are so popular, they just opened an El Azul Grande #2. In case you do not know Spanish it means the Big Blue, which is Kentucky sports.
4. Burger King- Well, nothing said you could not put Fast Food Restaurants on here. I personally do not like much there, but the onion rings and onion ring sauce, but my kids love to play in the playland there.
5. The Chinese Restaurant- It is so good here. My dh and I get Mongolian Beef and Sesame Chicken and split it everytime we go. Yummy!
Here are the 5 people I tag:
1. Dawn
2. Kara
3. Michelle
4. Trista
5. Rachel

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